Why Now

“Are you and your family hedged
against U.S. residency risk?”

Given the unprecedented range of challenges we face in the United States…does relying solely on your U.S. passport still make sense?

Why Now

Employment-based restrictions are rising around the world

2023 was the worst year in H-1B visa history with less than 5%
applicants being selected.

Why Now

Travel-based restrictions are rising around the world

The global pandemic unleashed tough new restrictions
on global mobility.

Why Now

Residency-based restrictions
are rising around the world

Lisbon follows Dublin in scrapping right of non-Europeans to claim residency in return for investment.

Why Now

Investment-based restrictions are rising around the world

…and governments are likely to impose more restrictions based solely on country of birth, not fewer.

We make it easy to earn dual citizenship in the EU

Through the smart use of technology, peer-sourced insights, and a commitment to efficiency, Global RCG simplifies and streamlines the process of earning dual citizenship.

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Why it’s important

Sovereign residency rights are critical for preserving access to global opportunity

Earn the right to live where you feel most at home….
and on your own terms.

Imagine life without employment restrictions
that are nationality-based

Why Now

The global COVID-19 pandemic revealed the inherent vulnerability of solely owning sovereign residency rights in a single country

Why Now

Nationality-based restrictions are rising around the world

…and governments are likely to impose more restrictions based solely on country of birth,
not fewer.


2023 was the worst year in H-1B visa history with less than 5% applicants being selected.


Lisbon follows Dublin in scrapping right of non-Europeans to claim residency in return for investment.


Canada is banning some foreigners from buying property after home prices surged.

Problem we solve

The global residency and citizenship industry lacks transparency, shuns innovation and has no incentive to change

The likelihood of being over-charged by foreign vendors is high

Places North American consumers
at a distinct disadvantage.

The legal and regulatory landscape is complex, and subject to change

Difficult to stay current.

Pricing is not
transparent and somewhat arbitrary

Especially problematic given the high stakes.