Citizenship Corner

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In which state you can find the highest percentage of people with ancestry from every European country?

Here’s Everyone Who’s Immigrated to the U.S. Since 1820

From 1820 to 2013, 79 million people obtained lawful permanent resident status in the United States. The interactive map below visualizes all of them based on their prior country of residence. The brightness of a country corresponds to its total migration to the U.S. at the given time.Use the controls at the bottom to stop / resume the animation or to move back and forth in time.

Over time, the sources of immigration trace a clear path across the world.

Through most of the 1800’s, immigration came predominantly from Western Europe (Ireland, Germany, the U.K.). Toward the end of the century, countries further east in Europe (Italy, Russia, Hungary) took over as the largest source of migration. Beginning in the early 1900’s, most immigrants arrived from the Americas (Canada, Mexico). And the last few decades have seen a rise in migration from Asia. The same trends are clear looking at the history of New York City’s foreign born population.

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Dual Citizenship Permission Tracker

Percentage of countries per region that permitted dual citizenship (1990, 2016)