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Croatian Citizenship
Via Ancestry

Program Overview

Three paths to Croatian citizenship

Path #1

By Birth

Path #2

By Descent

Path #3

Citizenship via

Benefits of Croatian Dual Citizenship

The main benefits of having Croatian Citizenship:

One of the strongest passports in the world with 170+ visa free countries.

The ability to work, reside and study in Croatia and across the 27 EU member states (e.g. Spain, France, Germany, Netherlands etc.) without the need of a Visa. EU citizens are often prioritized over people from outside the EU for many professional and educational opportunities.

Students who are citizens of Croatia can study in public educational institutions for free, and upon admission to EU universities, they can receive scholarships and grants or tuition discounts.

Thanks to the registration of an insurance policy, holders of Croatian passports receive free medical care and additional government payments.

Who is Eligible to Apply

Most people whose parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, or even great-great grandparents who were born in Croatia qualify for Croatian citizenship through descent.

In fact, there is no limit on the number of generations that you can go back to in order to prove your Croatian ancestry (so long as there are Croatian records confirming your ancestor held Croatian citizenship after 1920.

Croatian citizenship is passed from one generation to the next through the right of blood, unless there were circumstances along the way, as defined by law, that would cause it to be lost. Our task is to rule out these circumstances.

Free Croatian Citizenship Eligibly Assessment

Vital Records Requirements

Main Applicant Documentation
1. Birth certificate
2. Valid passport (and proof of other citizenship(s) if the person has more than one)
3. Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
4. FBI Background Check
5. A detailed structured curriculum vitae & Personal Statement stating reason for obtaining Croatian Citizenship,  the name, surname, maiden name, birth number (if assigned), date and place of birth, address of permanent residence, details of education, employment, other economic activity, language skills, special abilities, interests, and the date and signature of the applicant;
6. Completed and signed application form

Intermediary Ancestors Documentation
1. Birth certificate
2. Death certificate
3. Marriage certificate

Anchor Ancestor Documentation:
1. Birth certificate
2. Baptismal certificate
3. Death certificate
4. Proof of Immigration from Croatia
5. Registry extract
6. Marriage certificate (if applicable)
7. Certificate of citizenship or a certificate of the applicant’s permanent residence;

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Who qualifies to apply for Croatian citizenship based on descent?

You must have a Croatian ancestor who is directly related to you and who moved permanently out of Croatia to qualify to apply based on descent. As long as they are regarded as Croatian emigrants, this can be a parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, and so on.

Can I include my Spouse?

The spouse of a person who is eligible to apply under Article 11 or whose citizenship was granted under Article 11 may likewise apply under this article without having to satisfy any residency requirements (Article 10).

What would disqualify me from applying for Croatian Citizenship by Descent?

The right to citizenship based on descent is invalidated for all descendants if your ancestor leaves Croatia to move to another nation inside Yugoslavia (or ex-Yugoslavia).All descendants lose their claim to citizenship based on descent if their ancestor left Croatia after October 8, 1991.

Where do you submit your application?

If you reside abroad, you must submit your application at the Croatian consulate or embassy that is most conveniently located for you. There is a list of Croatia's consulates and embassies abroad.

How long does the process take?

The process can take 2-3 years depending on the complexity of you case.

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