Shift in Spanish Political Landscape Raises Questions About the Future of the Ley de Nietos

The Spanish regional elections held on Sunday, May 28, marked a significant setback for the Spanish Socialists (PSOE). The party lost its long-standing grip on key regions where it had enjoyed historical governance. This defeat came as a result of an extraordinary surge in popularity for the Popular Party (PP) and the extremely right-wing VOX party, signaling a major shift in political dynamics. Many see this as a precursor to what will play out during Spain's next general election scheduled for Sunday, July 23, 2023, which, in turn, could have a profound effect on those currently eligible to apply for Spanish citizenship by descent under the Ley de Nietos.

What does that mean for the “Ley de Nietos”, the Law of Grandchildren?

According to recent press articles, the president of VOX, Santiago Abascal, a prominent critic who has been vocal in his opposition to the dismantling of numerous programs and initiatives advocated by the current left, specifically as it pertains to the Ley de Nietos, has “promised to repeal the Law of Democratic Memory, commonly known in Latin America as the Law of Grandchildren, if he were to occupy positions in a future Spanish government”.

As we know, the current iteration of the law, passed on October 21, 2022, allows for a two year window for eligible Spanish descendants to submit their application for Spanish citizenship. However, in the event the opposition does come into power, there could be an early sunset of the program, and many’s ability to obtain Spanish citizenship by descent.

As of March 31st of this year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had received 51,040 requests to acquire Spanish nationality under the Democratic Memory Law. Thus, in the first five months since its inception, about 300 people a day, or just over 10,000 a month,  have requested nationality through consular offices, claiming to be eligible for Spanish citizenship by descent. (Source: El Debate)

Given this news alert, we would encourage you to share this information with relatives and friends who might benefit from Spanish citizenship. We would be delighted to support them as well.